Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Please make yourself familiar with the Privacy Policy details on this page. Any future updates will be posted here. The College reserves the right to update its Privacy Policy as and when necessary. By continuing to use this website you are agreeing to the Privacy Policy.

This website is hosted and maintained by the Imam Al-Kadhum University College. Sub sites are indicated by the domain only. Institutions, Units and department within the College may issue their own privacy policy information. But at this time, all branches and sub domains on this host are having the same privacy policy.

Websites that are not within the domain are external sites and are not controlled by the college. College Links to external sites do not imply cover by this Privacy Policy.


Scope of Privacy Politics for Imam Al-Kadhum College

Imam Al-Kadhum College, is committed to protecting the privacy of the user and will not collect personal information about him unless the user chooses to provide this data to the College, whether through the college’s website or through mobile applications.

The College has the right to make simple or fundamental changes to the privacy policy terms and conditions from time to time without prior notice.

In addition, if you were redirected to another website through this website, please check their privacy policy of the website to which you were redirected, which may require some personal information about the users.

Browsing In This Website Or The Mobile Application

When a user visits the website or the phone application of the Imam Al-Kadhum College, he is considered as unknown user with the aim of reviewing some of the available data online such as news, advertisements, researches and other information that are available to all visitors. Except in the case of providing some information about the user for specific purposes such as creating an account to use the available facilities like, the college classroom application, library and the journal application for researches, etc... .

In case of that some users browse the website without the need to obtain an account, for example browsing in the news or advertisements sections or any other pages that do not require a permission to access, we will automatically collect and save some information about your visit. This information is general and just to help the website managers and developers to improve the site.

The information collected automatically is used, among other things, to manager the site, and to prepare reports and usage statistics, such as the most visited pages, for the purpose of giving developers and site managers the ability to improve the content of the website.

List of information collected automatically while using this website or Mobile Application.

  1. The Internet domain and Internet Protocol (IP) address of the place from which you visit and access our website.

  2. Brewers and operating system that the user use to access this website.

  3. Visit date and time.

  4. Visited Pages.

  5. The address of the website that you are redirected from.

  6. If you link to our website through a search site, the address of that website and the search keywords you used.

If you visited any subdomain within this domain ( they are all have the same privacy policy. In case of any new sub sites added in the future we will announced their privacy policy in their sub site.

Who are the users whose personal data is being collected?

No personal information is collected about users unless they are enrolled students or employed staff at Imam Al-Kadhum College, or some who have a desire to obtain an account within our services such as the digital library.


Types of personal information that can be obtained from users

If the users are the enrolled students, there are some application forms that collect some personal data about the student, such as the following forms:

  1. Application for college ID request.

  2. Admission application

The Data that may be collected from students

  1. Fullname

  2. Mother name

  3. Gender

  4. Date of birth

  5. Phone number

  6. Address

  7. Student ID

  8. City of college branch

  9. Stage

  10. Study type

  11. Last obtained degree

  12. Email address

There are also some forms that are released when needed to collect some information about students.


Type of Personal Information Collected From Researchers

Imam Al-Kadhum College has a journal for submitting papers and articles by researchers, it contains an electronic system linked to the college’s website for the purpose of managing the submitted papers and articles to be processed by the reviewers to get accepted and published in the journal website.

Below is the information required from the researcher to submit his scientific research in order to be accepted.

  1. Full Name

  2. Scientific title

  3. His institution name

  4. Email address

  5. Paper title

  6. Paper abstract

  7. Keywords

  8. File to be submitted



How We Store Information Collected?

Information which you provide to us will ordinarily be stored on our secure servers. However, we do work with third party contractors, some of whom host and operate certain features of the website.

From our side, we take all necessary steps reasonably to ensure that your data is treated securely and in accordance with this Privacy Policy.


How we use “Cookies”

Some of our web pages may use “cookies” in the future. A cookie is a small file of letters and numbers that we place on your computer or mobile device if you agree. These cookies allow us to distinguish you from other users of our website, which helps us to provide you with a good experience when you browse our website and also allow us to improve our website.

Currently, no cookies are used on the website or in the mobile application, but they may be used in the future and we will announce it here.


This website contains links to other sites. Please be aware that the College does not claim any responsibility for the privacy practices of such other sites. The University encourages users to be aware and read the privacy statements of each and every website that collects personally identifiable information. This privacy statement applies solely to information collected by this website.



Any queries or concerns about privacy on this website should be sent by email to [email protected] or visit our campus in Hai Oor, Baghdad, Iraq.

Number of Visits : 31343990
All rights reserved to Imam Al-Kadhum College © 2024