

Vision - Message - Goals


Jurisprudence and its origins are a major part of the system of knowledge accumulation of Islamic civilization, and the evaluation of individual and societal behavior, in the social, political or economic dimension, and the section of jurisprudence and its origins is the corridor of Islamic knowledge and legal rulings from their original sources to the duty-bearers, but to everyone who coexists with Muslims or who connects them. Them at work, place or anything else.


Transferring Islamic jurisprudence knowledge, which is a legitimate scholarly necessity, to the Islamic community, and finding legitimate and legal solutions that face the individual and society in private or public life, especially in the latest issues and contemporary jurisprudence


1- Preparing a mediator cadre specialized in legislative sciences, who carries Islamic knowledge for those who request it, for the purpose of reform and building according to the principles of the original Islamic Sharia of Muhammadiyah. 2- Transferring the culture of Islam, which is a scientific and societal necessity for our present and future, for the purpose of evaluating individual and social behavior, and building noble values and ideals in our society. 3- Finding the skill and ability to understand the Islamic legal text that is compatible with contemporary reality. The oath is the starting point for reform and guidance towards the paths of perfection and advancement.

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Department overview

The department was established in the academic year 2004-2005, and it grants a bachelor's degree in the field of Sharia and Islamic sciences. It is concerned with the study of jurisprudence, its origins, the study of comparative jurisprudence, and the reasons for the difference of jurists. It aims to prepare specialists in Islamic law, and to spread religious values ​​based on love, cooperation and tolerance to strengthen the bonds between members of society, and to provide schools with scientifically and intellectually qualified teachers and researchers, and to highlight Islamic jurisprudence in a way that combines originality and contemporary. And the emphasis on knowing the origins of rulings and their importance in understanding the Qur’an texts and the noble Prophet’s Sunnah. Jurisprudence is one of the most important Sharia sciences because it is closely related to the work of those charged. Knowledge of it, its learning and its teaching are legal duties, and working with it is a release of liability, and that working with costs depends on knowing the jurisprudential rulings for every action, a path to the satisfaction of God Almighty, and by means of it social systems are permissible, rights are preserved and the oppressor is deterred. And the worker will be rewarded with it. The science of jurisprudence depends on the knowledge of the principles and rules of fundamentalism and jurisprudence, and interpretation, especially in the verses of rulings, as well as the science of hadith and hadiths of rulings. The cognitive developments in the field of practical reality are the end of the maturity and development of the Department of Jurisprudence, its fundamentals, and the definition of its legal rulings. This section has a vision, mission and goals.

Teaching Staffs

حسين خليل إبراهيم تقي الوردي

ماجستير - مدرس [email protected]

أسماء لازم عكاب سيلان الفريجي

ماجستير - مدرس مساعد [email protected]

نادية محمد منسي حسن الاسدي

ماجستير - مدرس مساعد [email protected]

جلال سلمان كاظم جبر العنزي

دكتوراه - مدرس [email protected]

م .د. جلال سلمان كاظم تاريخ الميلاد : ١٩٧٤ / قسم الشريعة / كلية الامام الكاظم عليه السلام للعلوم الإسلامية / [email protected] التحصيل الدراسي : ماجستير علوم القرآن دكتوراه أصول دين ، التخصص الدقيق : حديث نبوي / تدريسي منذ عام2005في دائرة التعليم الديني وانتقلت للتدريس في الكلية عام2014 ولغاية الان تدريسي ومقرر الدراسات الأولية في قسم الشريعة / عضو اللجنة العلمية لكثير من المؤتمرات المحلية والدولية المنشورات البحثية : تم نشر بحثين ولدي قبول نشر لبحثين منها محلية ودولية / أشرفت وناقشت العديد من طلبة الدراسات الأولية في القسم iography: M.D. Jalal Salman Kazem Date of Birth: 1974 / Sharia Department / Imam Al-Kadhim College, peace be upon him, for Islamic Sciences / [email protected] Academic achievement: Master’s degree in Qur’anic sciences, PhD in the origins of religion, specialization: Prophetic hadith / teaching since 2005 in the Department of Religious Education and moved to teach at the college in 2014 until now, teaching and preliminary studies course in the Sharia Department / member of the scientific committee for many local and international conferences Research publications: Two papers have been published and I have accepted the publication of two papers, including local and international. I supervised and discussed many of the primary studies students in the department

حسين عبد جابر جلاب الكناني

ماجستير - مدرس مساعد [email protected]

السيرة الذاتية م م حسين عبد جابر . تاريخ الميلاد 1977 . قسم الشريعة / كلية الامام الكاظم عليه السلام للعلوم الاسلامية الجامعة . البريد الالكترووني: Shlecb 6@ alkadhum- col . التحصيل الدراسي:ماجستير لغة عربية.التخصص الدقيق : لغة ونحو . تدريسي منذ عام2008 م. ولغاية الان . تسنمت منصب مقرر الدراسات العليا سنة 2019- 2020 المنشورات من البحوث2 بحثين. خبير لغوي لعدد من رسائل الدراسات العليا Cuiculum vita Assistant professor . Hussein Abd Jaber Dirth : 1977 Deparsity of shria ,lmam – kadhim college .peace be upon him . university of lslamic Eail : Shlecb 6@ alkadhum- col . ACADEMIC ACHIEMENT :Arabic Specialization :Language and gama Teaching since 2008 Until now Assuming the osition of the postgraduate course for the year 2019-2020 Publication from research 2 papers Linguist expert for a number of postgraduate theses

منتهى سالم شنيور

ماجستير - مدرس مساعد [email protected]

م.م. منتهى سالم شنيور المذخوري /تاريخ الميلاد: 1971/قسم الشريعة/كلية الامام الكاظم عليه السلام للعلوم الاسلامية الحامعة/البريد الالكتروني: [email protected] /التحصيل الدراسي: ماجستير تاريخ اسلامي، التخصص الدقيق: السيرة النبوية/تدريسية منذ عام 2021/ طالبة دكتوراه في جامعة بغداد كلية تربية ابن رشد . ASS-LEC. Muntaha Salem Shnior Al-Madhkhouri / Date of Birth: 1971 / Sharia Department / Al-Imam Al-Kadhim College , for the University of Islamic Sciences / E-mail: montahasalem9918@gmail. com Academic achievement: Master degree in Islamic history, specialization: Biography of the Prophet, teaching since 2021, PhD student at the University of Baghdad, College of Education, Ibn Rushd

زينة علي كاظم

دكتوراه - مدرس [email protected]

مدرس دكتور. زينة علي كاظم / تاريخ الميلاد :1984 / قسم الشريعة / كلية الامام الكاظم(ع) / التحصيل الدراسي : دكتوراه فلسفة ، التخصص الدقيق : فلسفة اسلامية / تدريسي منذ عام2011 ولغاية الان : البريد الالكتروني[email protected] CV Instructor Dr.. Zina Ali Kadhim Date of Birth: 1984 Sharia Department Imam Al-Kadhim College Email: [email protected] Academic achievement: Doctor of Philosophy, Specialization: Islamic philosophy A university Teacher since 2011 till now

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